Malawians have complained that large chunks of land in the country is being sold to foreigners at the expense of indigenous people.
President of the Indigenous Business Association of Malawi (IBAM) told YFM online that business potential land in all the country’s big cities has been sold to foreigners.
Mlombwa cited locations like Kanjedza, Mudi and Mpingwe in Blantyre as examples of places that have been heavily invaded by foreigners.
“I have seen that all potential land is going to foreigners, irresponsible people have sold our land. Three quarters of the land in our cities in gone to foreigners,” he lamented.
“I can attest and challenge authorities here that in some localities you can’t find an indigenous Malawian.”
Mlombwa cautioned that failure to resolve the matter will result in Malawi losing its potential land in the near future.
“If we cannot address this challenge in time, the coming generation will insult our graves,” said Mlombwa, one of the country’s successful business tycoons.