Mepa engages stakeholders on state of the environment report

By Emmanuel Yokonia

Malawi Environmental Protection Authority (MEPA) has embarked on an ambitious project to develop a comprehensive report on the state of the environment in the country.

The Malawi State of Environment Outlook Report aims to provide a thorough assessment of the country’s environmental performance and inform policy changes to address environmental issues.

According to MEPA Acting Director General Taonga Mbale, the report is a crucial step towards addressing the country’s environmental challenges.

“We want to take a closer look at our environmental performance and identify areas that require improvement. This report will serve as a foundation for strategic environmental interventions and inform policy decisions that will shape the future of our country,” Mbale said.

The report’s development is a collaborative effort between MEPA and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Cecelia Aipira, Director of Disasters and Conflicts Branch at UNEP, praised the initiative, saying, “Malawi’s ambitious Agriculture, Tourism, and Mining (ATM) Strategy relies on a healthy environment. This report will help identify areas where we need to take action to protect our natural resources and ensure sustainable development.”

The report’s release is expected to be a significant milestone in Malawi’s environmental journey.

According to Mbale, the report was supposed to be produced every five years, but resource constraints delayed its production.

“We were supposed to have another report in 2015, but we’re glad to finally be moving forward with this critical project. The development of the report is not just a government effort; it also involves stakeholders from various sectors,” Mbale said.

Mathews Malata, President of the Association of Environmental Journalists (AEJ), encouraged journalists to investigate forestry crimes and praised MEPA’s efforts to supporting investigative journalism.

“We’ve made progress in raising awareness about environmental issues, and we’re glad to see MEPA taking bold steps towards sustainability,” Malata said.

The report’s release is expected soon, and MEPA and UNEP have scheduled a series of stakeholder engagements, including sessions with Members of Parliament, to further the environmental agenda.

About Augustine Muwotcha

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