Machinga communities push for maternity wing’s opening

Villagers surrounding Chamba health centre in Machinga District have asked authorities to open a maternity wing which was constructed at the facility.

Speaking during a media tour organised by Catholic Development Commission- CADECOM on how community advocacy committees are faring, Group Village Headman Kawanula said pregnant women are facing a lot of challenges in his area due to the delays to open the structure.

“The construction of the building was completed and all the necessary materials are already there but we don’t know why it is still not functioning,”

Mary Enock, treasurer for advocacy committee said it is very sad that a lot of women are suffering as a result of delays in opening the facility.

“In most cases a lot of women lose blood in the process of going to St Lukes hospital which is about 12 kilometres from here,” she said.

Machinga Health promotions Officer Wongani Nyirenda said the structure does not meet the certified minimum requirements.

“The council has secured funds in the 2024/2025 financial year budget towards finalisation and opening of the maternity and we are currently in the process of identifying a contractor,” Nyirenda said.

CADECOM programmes officer, Aaron Mtaya Kandiwo, said the project seeks to empower communities to voice out and demand their rights from the duty bearers.

“Sometimes our duty bearers lose focus they don’t do what they are supposed to be doing hence the coming in of the project to empower communities to know when to question the leaders,” Kandiwo said.

CADECOM is implementing Advocacy project in the district with funding from Irish Aid through Trocaire.

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