Children’s Parliament key in tackling abuses

World Vision says the Children Parliamentary sessions have proven effective in bringing out cases of child rights abuse in the country.

Harold Munthali, World Vision’s Programmes Manager, made the remarks in Lilongwe during a Children’s Parliament session in Nkhoma Constituency.

He said the sessions have enabled children to raise major issues of their concern to the appropriate authorities for action.

Munthali also emphasized the need for government and stakeholders to pay close attention and effectively address the issues.

Lawford Palani, Lilongwe District Commissioner, applauded the initiative saying it has helped the young members of Parliament to bring out real issues at grassroot level for solution.

Billy Ashani, Speaker of Lilongwe East Children Parliament urged government and stakeholders to create a safe environment for children to attain their goals by resolving issues of rape and child marriages that are still occurring in their communities.

About Augustine Muwotcha

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