Couple strangles son to death for rituals

A couple has been arrested in Lilongwe for allegedly strangling to death their two-year old son for ritual purposes.

The suspects have been identified as Ivy Elinati (mother), 25, and Mphatso Nalinde (stepfather), 25, while the deceased is Lusha David.

Lilongwe Police spokesman Hastings Chigalu said it is alleged that the couple conspired to kill their child after striking a deal with a Mozambican witch doctor in order to get rich.

He said the couple allegedly killed the child on their way to meet the witchdoctor in Mozambique.

“After walking some kilometers, they went into the bush where they strangled the boy’s neck, to death,” Chigalu said.

“However, when the couple later phoned the magician informing him that they killed the boy, and were on their way to meet him, the witch doctor excused himself saying that it should not concern him anymore, claiming that the couple flouted some necessary rituals before killing the boy, hence rendering the body useless for charms.”

The couple returned home with the dead child where they lied to villagers that the boy just became unconscious and died.

However, village elders were not convinced and became suspicious which prompted them to alert the police.

About Augustine Muwotcha

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